Silver and Gold [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
57 posts
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TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 22:10:07 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

[attr="class","header"]let it show, shine


Despite the sour words that grace their chat history, the excitement bubbling within Aris is undeniable.[break][break]

He doesn't bother responding to the last message; he doesn't need to anymore. Gone are the times when all they could communicate through were virtual words and flat voices behind screens; Aris is now itching to continue his onslaught of insults by throwing them right at Ezra's face.[break][break]

How long has it been since he was able to do that?[break][break]

With a snap of his fingers, he commands Nalia and Sydora to follow in his footsteps as he weaves through the crowd inside Icarus. Ezra wasn't wrong; the place is bathed in soft, golden lighting that reflects off of glass chandeliers and stone pillars that decorate the walls of the nightclub. A bar, which stands in front of an impressive wall of liquor, is located at the far end of the club, busy with patrons swarming to get themselves a drink. Live, upbeat music accentuates the air, originating from a stage on the left side of the club.[break][break]

Aris is quite proud of his work on Icarus. Though the interior is quite lavish, the atmosphere is lively, free and welcoming.[break][break]

Turquoise eyes stay trained on his target as he strides towards the hooded figure nursing a drink with a familiar Rattata by his side. Nalia follows obediently while Sydora stops to sniff at passersby before trotting to catch up to the two. As he closes in, Aris reaches out and quickly grabs the back of the hood between his thumb and forefinger before pulling it down and revealing the flash of silver underneath.[break][break]

"How many drinks have you already had, you alcoholic bastard?"[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + [break]

+ Mission: Slumber Party



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played by


September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
47 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 12:33:04 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






When Aris approaches, 15 is quick to climb off his trainer’s shoulder. He moves to stand on the table across from is trainer. Red eyes and whiskers twitch with a shy, timid smile. A little scarf wraps around his neck. The skulls on it sharply contrast the little thing beneath them. A white-booted paw lifts in a wave as the trio approaches.

A reflection in the table tells Ezra it’s time to hide his phone. The last thing he needs is for it to look like he was waiting for a reply. WHen he turns, he tries to feign insult. But Ezra can’t hide his grin. Silver hair glimmers in the low lighting as he turns to face Aris. At the question, he hums thoughtfully. His fingers untwist themselves from their strange position as he stands. An empty glass settles onto the table with a chink. “If we’re counting this piss water? Three or four.”

Piercing eyes lock onto Aris for a moment as the world slows down. The one-fingered salute stutters to a close.

As a kid, touch wasn’t a good thing—not after mom died. Nonna insisted, but the kisses and embraces always made him feel trapped. “You finally made it out the gutter, Lexi.” The smile that follows is crooked. An expression like that is typically worth being scared of. His sunshine expressions are like the real deal—a quick ticket to death. “Blonde looks good on you.” There’s a moment of sobriety in their banter.

Ezra doesn’t do hugs.

But he wraps his arms around Aris anyway.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
57 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 20:03:34 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

[attr="class","header"]let it show, shine


Gazing into familiar, mismatched eyes allows a certain sense of comfort to wash over Aris, reminding him of summers spent in lavish mansions and neatly trimmed gardens. Even when those summers turned untouchable to a young boy scrounging for scraps on the streets, an occasional glimpse of his friend would push all of his worries away, albeit temporarily, and replace them with the hope that they'd meet once again. Aris is glad he followed that hope.[break][break]

The grin that splits Ezra's face forces a similar one onto Aris'. "Forgive me, my lord, for not procuring the finest drops of alcohol that can only be harvested out of the ass of Arceus himself," he retorts with a mocking bow of his head.[break][break]

Aris glances back at the old nickname and gives Ezra a silent, unamused look. How many times has he told him not to use that word in public? Nevertheless, the excitement within him overshadows the annoyance, and it evaporates entirely when the other man steps forward and wraps his arms around him. Aris is taken aback at first; he's well aware of Ezra's dislike towards physical touch, quite opposite to Aris' love for it, but there's no complaint from the taller man. He gladly returns the gesture and holds on for as long as Ezra lets him.[break][break]

"And you're passing the time jumping onto people, yeah? If that's what you're into, you could have just told me. I'd gladly offer myself."[break][break]

Nalia sits on her haunches on the ground as she curiously gazes up at the two men interacting. She had noticed the Rattata on the table but paid it no mind. Sydora, on the other hand, is very perplexed by the colourful Pokemon. She jumps onto a chair and then onto the table, slowly approaching 15 with her nose pointed and poised for a sniff.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + [break]

+ Mission: Slumber Party



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played by


September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
47 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 2:18:17 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






A simple roll of the eyes punctuates Aris’s sarcasm. Not that he’d be surprised if the guy went around milking goat holes. It wasn’t like they were that different from bears. Swap paws and beer bellies for hooves, and most drunks couldn’t tell the difference.

If he noticed the glare, he didn’t pay it much mind. In his head, that was the guy's name. You can call a rose a tulip, but it still pricked your ass. That was one reason he didn’t actually have a band name. Just seemed like a lot of trouble for a game of pretend.

The hug lingers for just a few seconds. It made him feel itchy, even if it felt right. As it ends, Ezra pushes Aris back to arm’s length. No need to let Blondie get too excited. Fortunately, any awkwardness explodes when the other guy opens his big mouth. Temporary discomfort—courtest of a tied tongue—shifts into a smirk. His hands drop to his legs as he takes a seat on the table.

A silvery brow jerks upward. “Is the gonorrhea extra?” There’s a brief pause as he takes an offered drink. “Or do you throw that in for free?” He turns slightly as the Eevee jumps on the table. His nose briefly crinkles with distaste before turning to the club at large.

“How’s business?” Like earlier texts said, he thought the place could use a bit of leg. It’d benefit from some real music too.

The Rattata doesn’t seem scared of the Eevee. With a glance at Aris and his trainer, he takes a few steps forward to bump noses. A tiny paw lifts to adjust his tie as 15 stands on his back legs. A claw goes to run through Sydora’s ruff, admiring the soft fluff.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass=".angel .symbol"] position: absolute; bottom: 10px; color: #757575; font-size: 230px; z-index: 2; [/newclass]

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played by


██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
57 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2024 21:18:38 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

[attr="class","header"]let it show, shine


That hug felt way too short, and one part of him hates the other part for missing the contact already. [break][break]

Despite his identity having been Aris for the past decade, Ezra's mere presence feels like it peels the blond away. It's weird to be standing in the middle of Icarus and yet feel like he's nowhere near here.[break][break]

He moves to lean against the table at which Ezra takes a seat, almost perching on the surface, and regards him with another sarcastic smile. "For you, my friend, the gonorrhoea is on the house. I know how much you love it." He notices the look shot towards his Eevee and he raises his eyebrow in judgement. "What the fuck was that? You look like Dora just insulted your family cow."[break][break]

Sydora's ear perks at the mention of her name, but she only spares her owner a brief glance before her nose is bumped against the Rattata. She blinks in surprise, and she flinches further when a little hand finds its way into her fur. She backs away and baps at 15's arm, lightly smacking it away in disdain.[break][break]

Aris observes the whole interaction and stifles a laugh. "Well, now she did." Sydora hates having her fur touched, especially by strangers. She's proud of its softness and prefers to keep it that way, a trait she inherited from watching Aris fuss over his own hair.[break][break]

The blond spreads his arms, gesturing to the busy club around them. "What do you think? It's booming. People love drinking and they love doing it in a place with good taste in alcohol and entertainment." Aris adds the last part on purpose, smirking at Ezra.[break][break]

"Anyway, wanna get away from the crowd? I can barely hear your squeaky voice over everything else."[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + [break]
+ Mission: Slumber Party



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played by


September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
47 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Silver and Gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 13:56:11 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Heterochromatic eyes roll upward. “What a fucking treat.” Ezra manages to barely stifle a laugh at the insinuations. “Can’t remember the last time I had an itch down there.” That was because it’d be never. For all his flirting and whoring, the musician was surprisingly safe about it. No rubbers meant sundown at the whore corral.

The other man’s judgment is met with an upward roll of the eyes. “I don’t like fur in my drink.” He doesn’t say that he sometimes feels the same way his dad did about Pokemon. “Not a fucking crime." That 15 is like a racist’s token black friend. In this world, thoughts like those were dangerous. All these Arceus damned tree huggers grated on his nerves.


“!!” A squeak of delight erupts as little claws brush the silken ruff. Just as he turns to remark about it, a paw bumps into his muzzle. With an astonished blink, the rat settles back on his haunches. His whiskers twitch. After a moment, he offers up an apology in a language only they can understand. ‘My bad.’ He offers up an awkward grin as he turns back to his trainer. “Tough luck, bud.” Ezra’s smile is amused.

At the talk of entertainment, the white-haired man snorts. “Yeah. Empty stages must be great for business.” But his eyes linger on the stage a few seconds too long. There’s a brief look of hunger as he reluctantly turns away.


The man’s next comments coax out a sigh. “Really losing your touch, Aris.”

But he does stand. His prosthetic dips toward the table. With a running leap, Fifteen races up it to take his place on his master’s shoulder. “Lead the way.”


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing